Luxurious mansions in which Burmese Muslims used to reside, which were confiscated suddenly after being ordered to leave within hours, are still standing to this very day.
The condition of the Burmese Muslims was very similar to the condition of wealthy Muslims living today in the UK, America, South Africa, and other Muslim communities which have yet to be fully engulfed by the conflagration that has violently ravaged Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Palestine, etc. in recent years.
In fact, even in such places as Syria, Iraq and Bosnia, the Muslims were living in relative comfort and luxury before matters took a horrid turn for the worse – seemingly overnight and with breath-taking suddenness. We say “seemingly” because the warning signs that signalled the impending disaster that was to strike so violently, were vividly visible on the horizon for those who were willing to open their eyes even just a bit.
In 1962, a military coup took place in Burma. Overnight, the situation of the Burmese Muslims turned upside down. Since then, with each passing decade, their condition has deteriorated, eventually finding themselves in the pitiable state they are in today, constraining even the biased kuffaar media to brand them as the “most oppressed population in the world.”
The questions that are of utmost importance in regards to revealing the true reason and remedy for the plight of the Burmese Muslims, and the true reason and remedy for the plight of all Muslim populations around the world today, are:
What did the Muslims of Burma do, or fail to do, before 1962, which caused their situation to change so drastically?
And, what can the Muslims of Burma and other places do to reverse the situation?
The answer to these two questions is found in the following warning speech issued by Maulana Abul Hasan Nadwi in 1961, in Burma itself, only a few months before the military coup which drastically altered the fate of all Muslims in Burma, and which, though unforeseeable from a purely materialistic (kuffaar) perspective, was completely predictable to anyone who possesses the slightest Yaqeen in the following words of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam):
“You must enjoin people towards righteous deeds and you must prohibit them from wrong-doing (i.e. breaking of Allah’s sacred Laws as clarified by the Salaf-us-Saaliheen and upheld by the Fuqaha for 1400 years). Otherwise, Allah will place in authority over you the worst of people amongst you (e.g. Burmese Monks, Modi, Tramp, Boris etc). Then the most pious amongst you will do Du’a, but their Du’as will not be answered.”
(Tabaraani, Bazzaar, and many others. Authentic due to multiplicity of chains)
My friends! This life is perishable, EVERYTHING of this life is perishable! One’s wealth is perishable, honour is perishable, rule is perishable. Let the rulers listen! – That this reign of theirs will come to an end! Let the wealthy listen that their wealth is going to ditch them! Let the healthy amongst you listen that their health will pull a fast one on them!
That thing that will FINALLY remain will be the name of Allah!
And the efforts put forth in the path of Allah!
And the sacrifice given for the sake of the Deen of Allah!
And the striving and the struggle [for the sake of Deen]!
This time is very precious, this time is very very precious that is passing now. And if you take time off from your work and businesses and inculcate the work of Tableegh and guidance first and foremost in your lives and for that you put in efforts, then Allah barik ta’la, in reward, will grant you this country in this world, and in the hereafter will grant you… PARADISE!
And if you don’t do this, then REMEMBER that you won’t be able to live in this country!
[Note: “Tableegh” here refers to Amr bi’l Ma’roof wa Nahy anil Munkar – enjoining the good and preventing the transgression of Allah’s Sacred Laws. This warning regarding the fatal consequences of failing to do Amr bi’l Ma’roof wa Nahy anil Munkar is perfectly in consonance with authentic Hadeeths of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) such as the one quoted in the introduction above]
I’m not saying all this in the guise of a ruler or a politician but in a light of all that, that Allah Subhanahu wa ta’la has granted the Muslims. I’m saying you in that light that your living in this country will become difficult IF you don’t work for Deen with steadfastness.
And when such efforts are secured then your businesses and factories will be safe.
Remember, the instruments for safety are only…for the Muslims in ANY country, the instruments of safety are only that they strive and struggle for the sake of Deen and make the Deen so strong, that for that country’s inhabitants, Allah himself takes the responsibility for their safety and Allah himself will take the responsibility for their assistance, and then there are no problems whatsoever.
Here in this country, Burma, since some days that we are staying in – Here the most intelligent work to do, the most important, foremost work to do and also the need of the hour is to put in efforts for the sake of Deen.
The governmental work here is this.
The biggest politics of this place is this.
The wisest thing to do here in this place is this.
And this work here is the work which will profit you the most.
Till now it’s a secular state, but Allah forbid if it becomes a buddhist state [Burma transformed into a truly buddhist and oppressive state only a few months after this warning speech], then if you don’t take care for the Deen yourselves and don’t make intentions and determinations for the sake of keeping intact your faith, and you don’t strive and struggle…
Then, there’ll be nobody who will come for your help.
And there’ll be no direction from where help for you will be forthcoming.
Anyways now, the government is impertinent, non-assuming. In the matter of governance, it is buddhist, but yet Muslim at heart [meaning, favourable and just with the Muslims]. But when it becomes a buddhist [i.e. truly buddhist and oppressive towards Muslims], then for the security of your Deen and for attaining superiority in your Deen, and for education, and the struggle for education – All this is your responsibility and a religious duty you’d have to fulfill, and apart from you, nobody else will be responsible for this religious duty.
This is the need of the hour.
If Allah has given you any understanding, even if you keep a broad understanding [of Deen], then keeping your eyes open and with a bit of concentration, understand what I’m saying that your living in this country without Islam will NOT be possible.
In these times, the most intelligent and good thing to do for Islam, and for strengthening Islam and for spreading Islam, and for keeping the faith strong in the hearts of Muslims and for keeping them true and firm Muslims, just one time, rise up for this cause, and for just one time do this work like crazy and…immerse yourself in the work [of Deen] deeply and wholeheartedly.
That, that every Kalimah reading Muslim here becomes such a strong Muslim, that the biggest of the earthquakes…..the biggest of the cyclones and the biggest of the calamities cannot uproot a Muslim from his place…
If you become unwary of this work, then remember I’m telling you, I’m making you aware and I don’t know if this talk will be remembered or not, but whoever amongst you now is listening carefully or anyone who remembers – RECALL my words.
I’m NOT a man who can look into the future, I’m not that saintly kind of man who’d know what’s going to happen after 10 years or so but this matter is so widespread and so very out in the open that it is like…. as if when someone see’s black clouds hovering in the sky with strong winds accompanying it, he’d say…he’d predict… it’s going to rain, and when it rains – nobody calls that person… a saint just because he foretold that it’s going to rain… because looking at the obvious signs and overcast conditions…even a child would have said the same.
In the same way, I’m informing you too… that tough times are going to come, for the sake of Allah, do not give such importance to your worldly work as you have been giving before, and for now, strive and put in efforts for Deen.
And give out a WAR – CRY in favor of the teachings of Islam, and for piety, and for the unity of God.
Give out a WAR – CRY in favor of the teachings of Islam and unity of God from one corner of Burma to another corner. Meet with every single Muslim and say to him that this is Deen, this is faith…
Reach out to even that single Muslim even if he might not know a word of Urdu or who stays by himself all alone in a hut across the banks of river, reach out to such a person too, plead with him, and enjoin him:
‘O my good man! You are a Muslim, you have to live as a Muslim and die like a Muslim”.
For this work [of Deen], there is still some time left, but I don’t for how long, but right now there is still some spare time left [a few months after this warning, Allah’s Punishment descended]. Now if you make good use of this time and put in the efforts, then Allah willing, from Allah barik ta’la, the seat of Deen will remain here, and not just that, even centres from where the growth and propagation of Deen happen – may open up.
And because of its blessings – your businesses and factories, your respect and your honor, and your women and your children will be protected.
And Allah will make you honorable and will grant you glory. And he will honor you in this country and it will not be surprising that Allah will also grant you the opportunity to make arrangements in this country.
Because these reigns, power and authority are given as charity as a result of the efforts put forth in the path of Allah.
All these are like the dust of the feet set forth in the path of Allah…
My Friends! If you put in the efforts in this country – such that from every masjid you would listen and from every mouth, from every Scholar’s speech you would listen, that in this hour, Tableegh is the effort you need to do.
If I had the power…if I had the power, I’m telling you the truth, I’m not talking big here, if I had the power, not just for some months, but for like 2 to 4 years I’d lock up all the shops, establishments, I’d SEAL them all, and I’d put a stop to all activity in industries, factories, and I’d take out all the men from their houses and tell them that the only work that you got to do now is to leave your homes and spread out for the work of guidance, for the work of Tableegh in your country, Burma…
[The Burmese Muslims did not take heed. In fact, to this day they have still not taken heed of the Haqq contained in this speech. The rest is history. Even more brutal history awaits the Muslims of Burma, and of other places, unless the Muslims firmly resolve to repent, turn towards Allah wholeheartedly, adhere firmly to every Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), adopt Taqwa – i.e. avoid all Haraam and Doubtful matters – and also exhort others to do so.]